Discover Your Defence

Free Half-Day Course

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Free, half-day course

Central london training event. Built for all experience levels and free of charge. Lunch and refreshments included.

Learn fast from the experts

Firebrand has trained more than 2,000 serving police officers to tackle cyber crime. Learn from veterans with 10+ years of experience.

Interactive cyber attacks

Get hands-on with DDoS training sessions and Man-in-the-Middle attack demonstrations. Or learn how to capture volatile data.

How can you prevent cyber crime in the financial services?

To face modern criminals, you must embed cyber skills that cut across departments and roles. 

Businesses needed these skills yesterday. 
With Firebrand Training you can gain them tomorrow. 

Single-company, private sessions

Build your defensive cyber knowledge in a private environment – where you’ll be free to share information amongst your team.

Find out how Firebrand trains UK law enforcement

We've trained over 2,000 serving police officers, now we're turning our attention to financial services.

Partnered with the best

Firebrand has partnered with the top companies across the technology industry.